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observe silenceの例文


  • He spent the next three years in observed silence.
  • Every Monday ANNA would give weekly tests to his students as he observed silence.
  • That is to say that one should refrain from speaking even good, and observe silence.
  • In his last request to his followers on the subject, in 1968, he asked only that they observe silence.
  • During her years of pilgrimage Gauri Ma practised severe austerities such as fasting, observing silence, and long hours of meditation.
  • From the moment they enter the room until the moment they leave, students are asked to observe silence between classes to quiet their minds.
  • In response to the shooting, demonstrators observed silence, prayed, and held a candlelight vigil for the victim led by one of the camp chaplains.
  • Observing silence at 11 a . m . ( 1100 GMT ), the anniversary of the end of World War I in 1918, was suspended during World War II.
  • Sharad Yadav, of the opposition Janata Dal, said : " We should pay our homage by observing silence for a minute and continue with the day's business ."
  • In central England, officials observed silence at the Rockingham Speedway _ site of CART'S Rockingham 500 on Saturday _ beside an oak tree planted in memory of the Sept . 11 victims.
  • He and his wife would observe silence the entire day as a way of paying respect, and they would only eat a small portion of halwa ( a jelly-like sweet ) all day.
  • In many monasteries it is the custom to begin the " Great Silence " after Compline, during which the whole community, including guests, observes silence throughout the night until the morning service the next day.
  • Because of this, tourists and others are asked to dress appropriately when visiting the basilica and to observe silence as much as possible, so as not to disturb persons who have come from around the world to pray in this place of pilgrimage.
  • Observing silence at 11 a . m . ( 1100 GMT ), the anniversary of the end of World War I in 1918, was suspended during World War II . But after campaigns by veterans'organizations, the tradition of a two-minute silence on Armistice Day was reinstated last year.
  • There are no leaders, and traditionally the Gatherings last for a week, with the primary focus being on gathering on public land on the Fourth of July in the U . S ., when attendees pray, meditate, and / or observe silence in a group effort to focus on World Peace.
  • From the exquisitely steady aerial shots to the jarring fast-motion captures of Madrid, to the beautifully observed silence that fills the revealing flashbacks, the film s conversion to screen thrillingly avoids the stilted, laboured approach that so often befalls such works . " He added of Andrea Deck, Ben Cura and Christian McKay " Reveling in the femme fatale tendencies of her character as she embraces the classic film noir archetype, Andrea Deck s Chloe exudes an explosive elegance whom thrives on independence and attention.
  • The chieftain, with his right hand, would take the bride and groom by the middle and little fingers of their left hands, conducted them to a small house designated for carrying out wedding rites and there said to them : " See that you are good spouses and that you look over your estate, and that you always improve it and not let it be spoiled . " Afterwards, the couple would observe silence as they watched a sliver of " ocote " ( native pine ) burn.